Internet-Based Relapse Prevention Works In People With Anorexia
Does internet-based prevention reduce the risk of relapse for anorexia nervosa? ... RP completers gained significantly more body weight than patients in the.... When a loved one experiences an eating disorder relapse, it can be incredibly ... Many families know the frustrations of loving someone in eating disorder recovery. ... One important way to do that is to work to prevent or minimize relapse. ... a detailed, personalized relapse plan based upon their own unique.... Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psycho-social intervention that aims to improve mental ... Therapists or computer-based programs use CBT techniques to help people ... Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been suggested as the treatment of choice for Internet addiction, and addiction recovery in general has.... Internet- and mobile-based aftercare and relapse prevention in mental ... For three studies on eating disorders in an adolescent target population (Fichter et al., ... after inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation with excessive work-related self-.... A naturalistic study including 35 individuals with BN and 82 ... Stressful life events (e.g., elevated work and social stressors) significantly predicted relapse, while ... Internet-Based Relapse Prevention for Eating Disorders In the last few years,.... Anorexia nervosa is a severe eating disorder that deeply alters the relationship with body weight and food consumption in affected individuals.. Internet- and mobile-based aftercare and relapse prevention in ... For three studies on eating disorders in an adolescent target population (Fichter et al., ... with excessive work-related self-demands, General psychotherapy. regular web-based treatment is also available for patients with AN, this patient ... eating disorder relapse following remission: six-year prospective outcomes. ... trainers judged a therapist to be unsuitable to work with the web-based treatment.. Some features of the site may not work correctly. Medicine ... Internet-based relapse prevention for anorexia nervosa: nine- month follow-up ... Drivers and Barriers to Acceptance of Web-Based Aftercare of Patients in Inpatient Routine Care: A.... A woman diagnosed with anorexia nervosa-binge eating/purging type ... From that point, she began to work independently to prevent the ... It remains to be seen whether the recently reported web-based relapse prevention.... Keywords: Anorexia nervosa, Relapse prevention, Internet-based prevention, Online psychotherapy, Risk of relapse,. Adherence ... of work-related stress [5], the promotion of physical ac- ... 1,802 female patients with anorexia nervosa or sub-.. Internet-Based Guided Self-Help for AN (iMANTRA) This is an Internet-based intervention package for relapse prevention work in people with AN. ... interpersonal outpatient therapy: the Maudsley Model of Treatment for Adults with Anorexia.... J Eat Disord. 2013 Jul 30;1:23. doi: 10.1186/2050-2974-1-23. eCollection 2013. Internet-based relapse prevention for anorexia nervosa: nine- month follow-up.. Keywords: Anorexia nervosa, Relapse prevention, Internet-based ... Twenty-nine patients (31.5%) were partial users and worked through.... Scientific title. Internet-based relapse prevention for Eating Disorders following inpatient treatment: randomised controlled trial for Anorexia Nervosa.... Internet-based relapse prevention for anorexia nervosa nine- month follow-up ... comment and other online services, including job vacancies , for all who work in.... A 16-week individual Internet-based CBT program for patients with BED was ... related thoughts, problem-solving and social skills training, and relapse prevention. ... As unguided self-help operates without communicating with another person.... Internet-based prevention. Risk of relapse. Eating disorder. Internet. a b s t r a c t ... completers gained significantly more body weight than patients in the TAU condition. ... Bourdeaudhuij et al., 2010) or management of work-related stress.. A structured online system, such as the results database, that ... Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious and often chronic eating disorder ... with CBT in reducing relapse and fear of eating situations in people with AN. ... will include questionnaires, interviews, and two laboratory-based meals.. Evaluation results of Internet-based prevention of eating disorders and Internet-based programs for ... patients to work through them independent of a therapist. 2. ... intervention of eating disorders; n=3 relapse prevention.
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